With over 30 years of experience working around the globe, and a commitment to integrity and efficiency, we can help you fulfill your structural needs. Our services include:
Structural Consultation
We offer structural consultations of buildings and other man-made structures. Conceptual consultations can be provided during the initial stages of structural design and construction, as well as conclusive consultations, which are based on the finalized structural configurations at hand.
Structural Design (for New Structures)
Our expertise in structural design promises safe and economical solutions for various structures, including (but not limited to) commercial buildings (e.g. hotels/motels, shopping malls and retail centers, industrial parks, offices, etc.), institutional buildings (e.g. schools, auditoriums, civic and government facilities, etc.), and residential buildings (e.g. apartments, condominiums, custom/track houses, etc.).
Structural Evaluation and Upgrades
Existing structures often require reinforcement, upgrades, and/or retrofitting to ensure safety and stability. We can help with pre-emptive structural strengthening, as well as repairs or upgrades to structures and buildings that have already been damaged.
Seismic Reinforcement
We believe that seismic safety should not be considered a luxury, nor should it be priced like one. Whether due to changes in architectural plans (remodeling), unforeseen damage, or the deliberate change of a building’s usage, we can ensure your structure is safe and sound, whatever the future holds.
Other Services
Our wide range of experience and expertise makes us well-equipped to meet your structural and budgetary needs. If you are in need of services not listed above, feel free to contact us. We look forward to the opportunity to develop the perfect solution to any structural problems.